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Utah's evening weather forecast for Monday, May 20

The Utah Climate Center logo.

Good evening Utah! Monday has been lively with breezes, showers, and sunshine – while the sun will set this evening, the breezes and showers will stay.

Temperatures will remain relatively stable tomorrow. Higher elevations will have peak temperatures in the thirties and forties with the tip of the Uintahs reaching only 27 degrees. In Northern and Central Utah highs are in the low sixties with Salt Lake City reaching 64 degrees. As we move into lower Southern Utah, highs will be in the mid-seventies, low eighties, with the St. George area having a high around 82 degrees.

This evening will start out breezy. In the early evening, breezes in the twenties will be found east of the I15 corridor and in Northwestern Utah with gusts ranging from the twenties to forties. As we move towards midnight, gusts move to cover Utah while breezes move to cover Western Utah in patches, both gusts and breezes maintaining their speeds. By morning, these breezes will range from the teens to twenties and will be found around the I15 corridor, the Southwestern corner of Utah, and around the Great Salt Lake. Gusts will be present in these areas with speeds still ranging from the twenties to forties.

Scattered showers and thunderstorms will occur throughout the evening and night across Utah.

Monday evening will be warm, a little breezy, and a bit stormy. Enjoy this beautiful evening and find a reason to smile. This is climate scientist Abby Bushman with the Utah Climate Center.