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Stricter Seatbelt Laws Could be Coming to Utah

Stricter seatbelt laws could be coming to Utah. Today, a bill that would require seatbelts to be worn on Utah’s highways passed out of committee, but  some lawmakers argue the proposed legislation violate personal freedom.

It is already against the law not to wear a seatbelt in Utah.  But...currently l it’s a secondary offense, meaning officers can only issue a ticket if another violation is committed.

But, Democratic Senator Luz Robles wants to change that. Which is why she is running SB 114 to make it a primary offense not to wear a seatbelt on highways where the speed limit is 55 mph or higher.

Robles says the bill is more about education than revenue. Under the proposed legislation violators would only receive a warning on their first offense.

Robles says the bill will end up saving the state time and money because of the lives it will save.

But, Republican Senator Daniel Thatcher voted against the bill in committee saying wearing a seatbelt comes down to personal choice.

SB 114 passed out of committee with a vote of 3-2 and will now be heard on the Senate floor.