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Sex Education Bill Fails In Utah Senate Committee

S.B. 229, a bill aimed at adding curriculum on consent to health classes, failed to pass in the Utah Senate Monday night.Sponsored by Sen. Kathleen Riebe, the bill seeked to add extra instructions — such as refusal, consent and the use of contraceptive methods — to 8th grade health courses. 


In an online blog sent to parents, opponents of the bill called it confusing and dangerous. They compared it to H.B. 177, a bill looking to include information about consent and coercion to prevent unwanted sexual behaviors in health curriculum. It was also rejected because of similar complaints of confusion. Another issue opponents had was the lack of state money appropriated to the bill.


Supporters of the bill say this is a missed opportunity for students to learn key information about practicing safe sex.

Tyler Hewitt is the web/social media assistant at UPR. He writes stories every day, updates the website and manages the station's Twitter and Facebook pages. Tyler is a senior at Utah State University and is studying public relations, marketing, and psychology. He loves to write, listen to music, play video games, play tennis and hang out with his fiancé and cat, Juno. He is a great plant dad and recently started collecting vinyl records!