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Film based on Bear Lake Monster lore hopeful for 2023 release

A film crew works on the set of "The Legendary Bear Lake Monster."
Photo courtesy of Brandon Smith
The Herald Journal
A film crew works on the set of "The Legendary Bear Lake Monster."

Swimming in the vast blue waters of Bear Lake, one can’t help but think of what creatures lurk beneath. For more than 100 years, the mystique has served to horrify children, excite divers and intrigue folklorists with the possibility of a creature who wanders the lake’s depths — the famed Bear Lake Monster.

And now, the mysterious creature is at the center of a film currently being produced.

Brandon Smith — the writer, director, and a producer of “The Legendary Bear Lake Monster” — thinks speculating on the legendary beast can be enchanting.

“Whether or not the monster exists is certainly up for debate,” Smith said. “All I know is there is magic in believing.” Read the rest of the story on

This story is made possible thanks to a community reporting partnership between The Herald Journal and Utah Public Radio.