Utah was ranked fifth in the nation in overall prosperity by the 2022 American Dream Prosperity Index.
The index, released by the Milken Center for Advancing the American Dream and the Legatum Institute, aims to measure prosperity as a complex, multi-dimensional concept. It has three equally weighted domains, Inclusive Societies, Open Economies and Empowered People, and Utah ranked in the top 25% in all of them.
On top of being fifth overall, Utah was first in the nation in societal capital, which is how much people trust, help and respect neighbors and institutions. It was also third in economic equality, ninth in living conditions, and 10th in personal freedoms.
The state fell farther behind in property crime and governance, where it ranked no. 28 and 21 respectively, and was last in the nation for the tertiary education and mental health subcategories.
Utah maintained overall high prosperity despite the continued effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and recent economic challenges, and joined every state besides North Dakota in increasing their prosperity since 2021.