The popular Orion constellation is rising about midnight this month. It is relatively easy to find as it is made up of very bright stars. The three bright…
As the sky darkens tonight, you can easily see Jupiter to the East. Looking a little further to the Southeast the next bright object is Saturn. Saturn is…
After sundown in the late summer, one of the first visible stars will be Vega. It will be almost directly over your head. At star parties I am often asked…
June. The days are getting longer, and the nights are getting shorter. For the darkest skies you need to wait at least 90 minutes after sundown. With sun…
On May 4, just after sundown, Mercury will be just above the West-Northwest horizon. It will be a very bright Magnitude of -0.8. Just a couple of degrees…
April 7, 2021, just before sunrise, Saturn, Jupiter, and a crescent Moon will be visible in the east southeast. The highest bright object is Saturn.…
March’s Full Moon is known as the Worm Moon in the Traditional Farmer’s Almanac. It was believed that this is the time of year that the earthworms appear…
The Milky Way Galaxy is a spiral galaxy with several arms. Our solar system is located in one of the smaller arms, the Orion Arm. In the wintertime…
Clyde Tombaugh, as a young man, built his own Telescopes and made sketches of Mars and Jupiter. In 1929 he sent his sketches to the Lowell Observatory in…