Support UPR
Utah Public Radio is your public radio station. Your support ensures that we can continue to provide both local news and NPR programming to our state-wide listening area.
UPR Membership
Listeners like you are a vital source of revenue for Utah Public Radio.
Your sustaining or annual contribution keeps UPR accessible for our entire community as a source of independent, trustworthy, local journalism.
Local businesses and organizations who sponsor Utah Public Radio are our underwriters. If you want your business or organization to publicly acknowledge your support of UPR and introduce yourself to our loyal listeners who will respond to your support, please consider becoming an underwriter.
Vehicle Donation
Utah Public Radio has partnered with CARS as part of a vehicle donation program. By donating a car you receive a tax deduction, support UPR and help someone in the community. Visit CARS homepage to find out more information, or go straight to the CARS/UPR donation page to donate your car now.
Legacy/Planned Giving
Create a lasting legacy for UPR. Consider us in your financial or estate plan.
Leadership Giving
Annual contributions of $1,000 or more to UPR are considered Leadership Gifts. Call us at 435-797-3141 for more information on Leadership Giving.
Appreciated Gifts
Give a gift of stock, securities, bonds, or property to UPR. Call us at 435-797-3141 for more information.
Matching Gifts
Your employer may match your UPR contribution. Call us at 435-797-3141 to find out if your employer is a matching contributor or to find out how to encourage your company to support Utah Public Radio.