After a nationwide search, Nibley native Justin Maughan has been officially selected as the new city manager.“I have a great love for Nibley City, as it…
Though several Cache County Council members have opposed allowing wineries in unincorporated areas, some locals argue such businesses have been around…
COVID-19 vaccinations through the Logan City Fire Department are no longer exclusively for Logan residents, thanks to a partnership with the Bear River…
In the shadows of the COVID-19 pandemic is a more silent epidemic: mental health and suicide.Health advocates in the county are hoping to promote…
An outbreak of salmonella in songbirds has made its way from the West Coast to Utah, and officials are asking locals to remove or clean any bird feeders…
Following last year’s cancellation, Logan will put on a firework show for Independence Day, not at Utah State University, but at Willow Park for the first…
To accompany its new mechanical water treatment facility, Logan has designed an environmentally friendly plan to compost the biosolids, but residents say…
Gov. Spencer Cox announced Cache County is moving to “Moderate” in the Utah’s COVID-19 transmission index on Thursday.This is the first time the county’s…
After years of planning of discussion, the Logan Municipal Council — acting as the Logan Redevelopment Agency — voted to appropriate funding to move the…
More people are now eligible to sign up for COVID-19 vaccines in Utah, and now they’ll have more choices in clinics and even brands. But local officials…