A blurting bike horn: the first sign bicycle Brent is just around the corner. Across Utah State campus, down neighborhood streets, and even occasionally up hills too steep to ride. Brent travels the valley saying, "hi" to everyone he meets.
Linda Carpenter, Brent's older sister, said she didn't fully understand what an icon Brent is in the valley until she saw with her own eyes the people who would gather on sidewalks just to wave when he passed.
"It really struck home how much people love him."
They love him enough that in 2002 Brent was asked to carry the Olympic torch for Logan.
"When he started entering, people in the stands were yelling, 'USA, USA!'but when they saw it was Brent, they started cheering 'Brent! Brent! Brent!"
Although his Olympic uniform was all white, Brent said colors make him happy, so every day he dresses in as many colors as he can find, starting with his socks. Once he picks his pair, come rain or shine, he mounts his bike, and starts pedaling.
This is one fixture of Cache Valley people are happy to have around.
Brianna’s passion for journalism comes from a love of learning and a desire to know everything. She studies Broadcast Journalism and Political Science at Utah State University and hopes one day to travel the world reporting hard news. She also works as the Aggie Radio news director and a reporter for USU TV.