“Any chance I get, on the airlines, to give up my seat to get a gift card with cash value on it, I give it up—for this,” said Doug Adams, a North Logan…
Lindsey Boone used to joke that she wanted to have a baseball team when she got married. She always thought she would become a mom and have a big family.…
“People who have an addiction will tell you, you have to find other things that give your life meaning and value,” said Doug Thomas, director of Utah's…
Pain is complex. It's hard to quantify. Pain can be acute or long-lasting. And it changes over time. That can make pain difficult to treat. Opioids play…
Woodi Reed has been in chronic back pain for the last seven years. In her search for some relief, she has participated in pain clinics to treat her spinal…
Every 25 seconds, a baby is born with neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) in the United States.NAS is a constellation of symptoms that the majority of…
Since 1999, opioid-related overdoses have quadrupled in the United States, and the latest data from the CDC doesn't indicate a reprieve is coming anytime…
“There are many times when families are affected by this and it's not always the homeless person or the stressed out dad—it can be the mom, at home. They…
Cottonwood Heights is the type of community where little kids wear helmets while pedaling by on their bicycles; the homes often have two and three car…