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Cache County Council gives itself lobbying role

The Herald Journal

The Cache County Council voted unanimously on Tuesday to change the source of funding for recently established lobbyist contract. Now, instead of being funded from the county attorney’s budget, the council will foot the bill.

Through a motion made by Vice-Chair Paul Borup, the current contract with Lincoln-Hill Partners, previously negotiated by Cache County Executive David Zook, will not be renewed before its expiration at the end of April. Instead, a new contract will be negotiated and funded using money from the council’s budget. The motion included moving $36,000 from the appropriated fund balance to the council’s professional and technical account.

Due to a personal emergency, Zook had to leave the meeting early and was not present when the motion was passed. He told the Herald Journal that he doesn’t believe the change has any serious implications.

Several members of the council, including Council Member Gina Worthen, expressed their disapproval with Zook’s initial approach to contracting the lobbyist firm earlier this year. Read the rest of the story on

This story is made possible thanks to a community reporting partnership between The Herald Journal and Utah Public Radio.