It’s all there in “Latter-day Lore: Mormon Folklore Studies” (from University of Utah Press) -- The Three Nephites, The Beehive, Creative Date Invitations, BYU Coed Jokes, The Folklore of Mormon Missionaries, The Apocalypse, and more. “Latter-day Lore” explores society, symbols, and landscape of regional culture; formative customs and traditions; the sacred and the supernatural; pioneers, heroes, and the historical imagination; humor; and the international contexts of Mormon folklore.
We’ll talk with the editors: Eric A. Eliason is a professor of English at Brigham Young University and the chaplain for the 1st Battalion 19th Special Forces of the Utah National Guard. He is the author of “The J. Golden Kimball Stories” and “Mormons and Mormonism: An Introduction to an American World Religion.” Tom Mould is an associate professor of anthropology and director of PERCS, the Program for Ethnographic Research and Community Studies at Elon University. He is the author of “Choctaw Tales, Choctaw Prophecy: A Legacy of the Future” and “Still, the Small Voice: Narrative, Personal Revelation, and the Mormon Folk Tradition.”