In a unique global genetic survey of a porcini mushroom, scientists from the Natural History Museum of Utah discovered diverse evolutionary strategies porcini mushrooms
What do tree growth, bark beetle fungi, and carbon have in common?Diana Six is a professor at the University of Montana. Her main focus is bark beetles…
Carving pumpkins into jack-o’-lanterns is an art form that comes in all shapes, sizes and levels of difficulty. The final product (usually) makes the…
Sometimes it’s a good year for one kind of wild plant and sometimes it’s a good year for another kind. But what causes these fluctuations in plant…
Professor Meghan Duffy, an expert in infectious diseases who recently lectured at Utah State University, was interested in how food webs in lakes are…
When plant ecologists are out for a walk, they see a puzzle. For almost 100 years, they’ve been trying to understand what governs the presence and…
A researcher studying how desert soils can help combat climate change will visit Utah State University this week. Many people think of the Utah desert as…