Protestors on tour took over one street corner in Logan Monday, but were not advocating for what one may expect.
“It’s unnecessary surgery done to a non-consenting minor, which means it's unethical to begin with to be doing it,” said Harry Guiremand, the spokesman for the Bloodstained Men.
Car horns honked behind him, reacting to the sign nearby that reads Honk if you heart foreskin. Guiremand, clad in all white with a single red paint mark on his crotch, was in Logan yesterday with his group advocating against infant circumcision.
Other signs at the protest read Stop cutting baby penis, nobody wants less penis, and I want my foreskin back. Guiremand said the signs and outfits are meant to turn heads, but the movement is anything but a joke.
“We dress in all white with a red paint spot on the genital area as a way of symbolizing the wound that was done to us," Guiremand said. "The medical profession was banking on the idea that the wounds they inflicted would forever stay hidden and by painting the paint on it we’re saying we’re not embarrassed to talk about this, we are demanding the rights of every boy to his own body.”
There was a law that prevented female genital mutilation in America until it was struck down in 2018, and Guiremand argues men were left out, equating the two practices. Advocates for infant circumcision argue it reduces risk of Sexually Transmitted Disease and Urinary Tract Infections. Some religions promote circumcision, but Guiremand argues that violates the infant’s rights.
“Nobody can force you to join a religion, but if you carve your religion into someone else’s body, that is violating their freedom of religion, because you can’t undo the damage, you can’t grow back a lost body part.”
The Bloodstained Men are completing their Rocky Mountain Circumcision Crisis Tour Wednesday with a stop in Salt Lake City.