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Despite Widespread Vote-By-Mail, Utah Voters Still Show Up To Polls On Election Day

Three polling stations with citizens voting, spread out in the Cache County Event Center
Mia Fairbanks

Though thousands of ballots were cast by mail, voters in Cache County still lined up at the single polling station on Tuesday to make their voices heard.

Cache County was not expecting many in-person voters on election night, but the socially distant polling station seemed to work well for voters who did turn out. 


“It was pretty smooth, pretty quick process. It's been before at the courthouse. We waited for hours to vote. This is a lot better I feel,” said Trevor Bingham.


Bingham was one of the many voters interviewed after casting his vote at the Cache Event Center.


Many people who showed up Tuesday were first time voters, like Mikela McEvoy 


“I'm just slowly figuring out the world. And so it's kind of hard to follow all the politics and follow all the things that are going on. But I do have my own beliefs. And so I kind of thought that might as well get my point out and get my, my vote in,” McEvoy said.


Some voters who came to the polls on election night had missed the early registration deadline. Others came for the experience. 


“I just like the excitement and enthusiasm of being around the community in which I live, seeing all sorts of people, everybody coming in to, you know, vote and do their part as a citizen of the United States,” said Rachel.


Still others were concerned about their vote counting.


“I just want to make sure that my vote would be counted. Just to feel safe about it,” said Spencer, another first-time voter. 


Voters had several issues weighing on their minds as they cast their ballots, ranging from climate change and the economy to women’s and LGBTQ rights and abortion.


As of 7:50 Tuesday night, 44,830 ballots were counted in Cache County with President Trump taking 58% of the statewide vote. Final election results in Utah will be certified in each county by November 17.