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Utah Senate requests public comment on 5th District Court nominee
Utah Capitol

The Utah Senate Judicial Confirmation Committee is seeking public comment on Jay Winward, who Governor Spencer Cox nominated to serve as a judge in the 5th District Court.

The Senate Judicial Confirmation Committee plans to hold a public hearing and will then issue a recommendation to the full Senate. If confirmed by the Senate, Winward will fill the vacancy left by the retirement of Judge Jeffrey Wilcox on February 16, 2023.

To comment, contact the Utah Senate Judicial Confirmation Committee electronically or by mail by 5:00 p.m. Friday, January 6, 2022. Electronic comments can be emailed to:

Written comments can be mailed to the Utah Senate Judicial Confirmation Committee at: Utah State Capitol, Suite W210, PO Box 145210, Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-5210.

All statements should include the respondent’s name, telephone number and mailing address.

Sheri's career in radio began at 7 years old in Los Angeles, California with a secret little radio tucked under her bed that she'd fall asleep with, while listening to The Dr. Demento Radio Show. She went on to produce the first science radio show in Utah in 1999 and has been reporting local, national and international stories ever since. After a stint as news director at KZYX on northern California's Lost Coast, she landed back at UPR in 2021.