At the 2025 Utah legislative session, a bullseye has already been painted on higher education.
“What we're trying to do is we're trying to look at what degrees are being offered at the university level to make sure they're matching with what's available or what's needed in our economy, ” said Senator Chris Wilson, Majority Whip representing district 2, which Utah State University is located in.
Among his interests in energy, affordable housing, and the economy, he sits on the Higher Education Appropriations Subcommittee, the group responsible for reviewing and advising the state budget for higher ed.
“That's kind of where the legislature is thinking we need to do some altering. And like I said, I think reallocation is a better word than an across the board cut,” said Wilson.
It's not just a simple scissor cut, and with this reallocation, that possibly means some programs will not have enough money to continue. However, Senator Wilson seemed optimistic about the future of higher ed citing its importance for Utah's economy.
“To me, it's got to go back to what's best for our students and maximizing. And I want to make sure that kids have the opportunity to afford a tuition if they want to go to higher ed.”
Senator Wilson sits on the Higher Education Appropriations Subcommittee, which has a large impact on this decision.