This week on UnDisciplined, we're talking about black holes, pig brains, and water on the moon as we round up the most intersting, important, and awe-inspiring science stories from the past month with an amateur astronomer, an environmental epigeneticist, and a podcasting paleontologist.
We're joined this month by Mirella Meyer-Ficca, who studies reporductive biology, toxicology, environmental exposures and epigenetic influence at Utah State University. She last joined us in December to talk about a mouse her team created that can metabolize Niacin like humans do.
Making her second appearance on the roundup this month is Sheena McFarland, a communications professional and former journalist with a degree in biology teaching and an ardent interest in astronomy.
And, with us for the first time is Ryan Haupt, a paleontologist and podcaster who hosts "Science... sort of," which you can find wherever you get podcasts.