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Have you ever had a Bad Air Day? How bad was it? What exactly does it feel like to live with air pollution?0000017c-7f7e-d4f8-a77d-fffffe0d0000Through our partnership with the Public Insight Network, we're encouraging Cache County residents to talk about their experiences with air pollution in the valley and we're giving you a space to ask questions about air pollution. Your stories and questions will help shape our coverage of this complicated and important topic.Having a Bad Air Day? Tell us about it.Read more about the project at the Public Insight Networks' blog.

'Nature's Best Hope' With Douglas Tallamy On Tuesday's Access Utah

Douglas Tallamy’s first book, “Bringing Nature Home,” awakened thousands of readers to an urgent situation: wildlife populations are in decline because the native plants they depend on are fast disappearing. His solution? Plant more natives. In this new book, Tallamy takes the next step and outlines his vision for a grassroots approach to conservation. “Nature’s Best Hope” shows how homeowners everywhere can turn their yards into conservation corridors that provide wildlife habitats. Talllamy says that because this approach relies on the initiatives of private individuals, it is immune from the whims of government policy. Even more important, it’s practical, effective, and easy.

Douglas Tallamy is a professor in the Department of Entomology and Wildlife Ecology at the University of Delaware, where he has authored 95 research publications and has taught insect related courses for 40 years. Chief among his research goals is to better understand the many ways insects interact with plants and how such interactions determine the diversity of animal communities. His book “Bringing Nature Home: How Native Plants Sustain Wildlife in Our Gardens” was published by Timber Press in 2007 and was awarded the 2008 Silver Medal by the Garden Writers' Association. “The Living Landscape,” co-authored with Rick Darke, was published in 2014. Tallamy’s new book “Nature's Best Hope: A New Approach to Conservation That Starts in Your Yard” was published by Timber Press in February 2020. Among his awards are the Garden Club of America Margaret Douglas Medal for Conservation and the Tom Dodd, Jr. Award of Excellence, the 2018 AHS B.Y. Morrison Communication Award and the 2019 Cynthia Westcott Scientific Writing Award.

Utah Public Radio and Bridgerland Audubon Society are excited to launch the “Grow Native for Birds” Bookmark Art Contest. All of Utah's wild birds rely on native plants in the wild and in our parks and gardens, and this art contest celebrates the beauty of this interdependence and connectedness. The winning design will be printed on an educational bookmark that will be distributed to Utah libraries, local fourth graders and online available for anyone to view and download. For details about the contest and how to enter your own design, visit


Tom Williams worked as a part-time UPR announcer for a few years and joined Utah Public Radio full-time in 1996. He is a proud graduate of Uintah High School in Vernal and Utah State University (B. A. in Liberal Arts and Master of Business Administration.) He grew up in a family that regularly discussed everything from opera to religion to politics. He is interested in just about everything and loves to engage people in conversation, so you could say he has found the perfect job as host “Access Utah.” He and his wife Becky, live in Logan.