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Wednesday PM headlines: 12,000 reports of trans people in bathrooms, 5 deemed legitimate

A sign outdoors shows the symbols for men's and women's bathrooms, with an arrow under the men's symbol.
Sung Jin Cho

Rare white bison born second year in a row in Wyoming

For the second year in a row, a rare white bison has been born at Bear River State Park in Evanston, Wyoming.

The new addition is one of four calves born at the park so far this season and the second white calf in as many years.

Their white coloring comes from a type of cattle mixed into their DNA, rather than albinism, which is a one in 10 million chance.

Those who want to check out the calves and the rest of the herd can visit Bear River State Park from 8 a.m. to sundown.

Child airlifted to hospital after driving toy tractor into river

A Utah child was airlifted to the hospital Tuesday night after driving a toy tractor into the river.

According to Beaver County Sheriff's Office officials, a resident saw the incident around 6 p.m. and called it in. Multiple agencies quickly responded to find the child, and life saving measures were administered on scene. The child was transported to a hospital, then airlifted to Primary Children’s Hospital.

The condition and age of the child was not made available.

Of 12,000 reports of trans people using the bathroom, only five deemed legitimate

Of the 12,000 reports made to Utah’s trans bathroom tip line, only five have been deemed legitimate.

The tip line, as per the recently-passed law, was intended for individuals to send in reports of facilities that allowed trans individuals to use the bathroom that aligns with their gender identity.

However, it was instead flooded with thousands of spam reports by trans allies and activists and had to be temporarily shut down.

The nature of the five reports that deemed further investigation weren’t disclosed, but the Utah State Auditor said they would all be reviewed as required by the legislature’s mandate.

Duck is a general reporter and weekend announcer at UPR, and is studying broadcast journalism and disability studies at USU. They grew up in northern Colorado before moving to Logan in 2018, so the Rocky Mountain life is all they know. Free time is generally spent with their dog, Monty, listening to podcasts, reading or wishing they could be outside more.