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Utah Aggies celebrate Martin Luther King Jr.

USU students walked and sang together through the winter cold to honor the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. Cache County executive David Zook and USU Associate Athletics Director Isaiah Jones kicked off the event by addressing the bustling crowd.

“The Aggies walk is really important. When we think about Martin Luther King, Jr., one of the things that he always talked about was the beloved or beloved community. This is a great opportunity for us to come together, and both the time for action, but also for reflection,” said Jones.

"Being someone [of color] in a very predominantly white state, I really cherish Martin Luther King Day for being able to share a lot more information about people [of color] and bring it to a predominantly white state,” said Alex Bunton."

“I'm walking today because Dr. King was an activist, and he was a true advocate for diversity and equality. I want to walk to remember and remind people the true spirit of what Dr. King was about, past and present,” said Kris Pfeifer.

Aggies walked from the historic Old Main building to the Dee Glen Smith Spectrum across campus.
Standing on the steps below the spectrum, student athletes spoke to the crowd, emphasizing why they walk the walk.

“My name is Kaylee. I play for the softball team here. It’s just awesome to see everybody come out for the community. And in order to make a real impact on people, you have to take it one step at a time," said Kaylee.

Jones spoke to the future and legacy of the event.

“We're continuing the tradition, but we're also being mindful of how much work we have to do if we want to continue building,” said Jones.