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Coronavirus: What Utahns Need To Know On Monday's Access Utah

The Coronavirus epidemic has affected lives around the world and in Utah. We’re going to talk about it Monday on Access Utah. More than 2,500 deaths have been reported in China. Iran is second in numbers of deaths. Two people have died so far in Washington state.

Quoting from the Deseret News: “As the cases ticked up, some Americans stocked up on basic supplies — particularly in areas with diagnosed cases — and began to take note of the impact on daily life. Stores such as Costco sold out of toilet paper, bottled water and hand sanitizer outside Portland, Oregon, where a case was announced Friday. Sports games and practices were canceled into the coming school week. Some churches said they would not offer communion because of fears of viral spread.” The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has urged members not to travel to Utah for the April General Conference of the Church.

Our guests include: Rob Campbell, President and CEO of Campbell Scientific in Logan; Bahman Baktiari, an expert on Iran, from the Baskerville Institute in Salt Lake City; Dr. Andy Pavia, an infectious disease specialist in Salt Lake City; and Rachel Hunt Steenblick, who was working in China and is unable to return.


Tom Williams worked as a part-time UPR announcer for a few years and joined Utah Public Radio full-time in 1996. He is a proud graduate of Uintah High School in Vernal and Utah State University (B. A. in Liberal Arts and Master of Business Administration.) He grew up in a family that regularly discussed everything from opera to religion to politics. He is interested in just about everything and loves to engage people in conversation, so you could say he has found the perfect job as host “Access Utah.” He and his wife Becky, live in Logan.