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BLM and the public lands rule on Wednesday's Access Utah

From the Salt Lake Tribune, “The Biden administration [has] proposed a sweeping overhaul of the way public lands are managed, adjusting priorities to emphasize ecosystem health, recreational access and climate resilience to ensure these lands provide for “a sustained yield” far into the future. … The overhaul comes in the form of a proposal, dubbed the Public Lands Rule … Officials said they welcome comments to craft a final rule. The measure drew praise from some environmental groups and Democratic lawmakers, and rebukes from ranchers.”

Our guests today include Steve Bloch, Legal Director with the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance; and Ben Burr, Executive Director of the BlueRibbon Coalition.

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Tom Williams worked as a part-time UPR announcer for a few years and joined Utah Public Radio full-time in 1996. He is a proud graduate of Uintah High School in Vernal and Utah State University (B. A. in Liberal Arts and Master of Business Administration.) He grew up in a family that regularly discussed everything from opera to religion to politics. He is interested in just about everything and loves to engage people in conversation, so you could say he has found the perfect job as host “Access Utah.” He and his wife Becky, live in Logan.