Everyone loves a good bear story, especially around the campfire. I have accumulated many in my years — all personal and factual.
Audubon's driving purpose is that, “When we create conditions for birds to thrive, we create conditions for people and the planet to thrive, too.”
Biologists say there is ample natural winter range for Wyoming's elk populations without continued use of controversial winter feedgrounds.
A novel strain of avian influenza has been spreading across the US for several months. The virus is often fatal for poultry and game birds, but can affect wild birds as well.
Wildlife in Utah are suffering in response to record-setting droughts across the state. One species of particular interest is mule deer, whose populations…
The Uinta Basin Railway has been proposed on and off since 1902, to export oil and gas products from the Uinta Basin. The current proposal is waiting on…
Each fall thousands of salmon feel their internal clocks tick, and begin a perilous journey upstream to spawn. Spawning salmon look nothing like the…
Humans have a complicated relationship with large carnivores. We enjoy viewing these charismatic species in nature, but not in our trash bins. But…