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Logan Mayor To Build On Past Goals, Downtown

Logan City Mayor Holly Daines; In her annual State of the City address, Daines listed fiscal responsibility, investing in infrasture and downtown revitalization as top priorities, and the partnerships have been crucial for the city's success.
Kat Webb
Logan City Mayor Holly Daines said, "In summary, our city is progressive, proactive, well-managed, and planning for the future. I’m pleased to be a part of that effort."";

In addition to fiscal responsibility, Logan Mayor Holly Daines said her top goals for the year include investing in infrastructure and downtown revitalization during her State of the City address on Tuesday. 

“You know, my goals for this year really build on my past goals. I mean, it's a step at a time," Daines said. “We keep working and building and appreciate the public input. And, you know, the goal is to get it right and to do what works for the public. So, I'll build on that.”

Last year, Daines listed people, passion and partnerships as keys for a successful relationship between the community and public officials. 

Daines said a good example of this was the collaboration between local businesses and officials for the completion of the Center Street improvement project at the end of last year.

Another downtown revitalization project — the Cache Plaza proposal which would require demolition of the Emporium and two adjacent buildings on Main Street — is on hold after the Logan Historic Preservation Committee denied the demolition request on Dec. 16. Daines said the proposal, which includes a housing component, would be instrumental in her goals. 

“If you look at downtowns you know they change over the years and retail has changed dramatically," she said. "It's not necessarily retail is drawing people it's more an experience a restaurant, something they can't buy online and have delivered to their door… One way communities do that now is to bring housing downtown.”

According to Daines, the city’s budget for infrastructure projects is up 11% from last year, and construction is up 25% — including two of the city’s economic development projects on the south side of town.