An unusually creative nation-wide protest movement has come to Utah.
“My name is Sandra Charleson, and this is the first meeting of the Tiny Pricks Project group here at Utah State.”
The Tiny Pricks Project is a nation-wide protest movement with the goal of bringing attention to the controversial behavior of President Donald Trump.
“It was started by Diana Weimar," Charleson said. "She is a New York City based artist, fiber artist. She found herself very frustrated with Donald Trump and his presidency. She thought well, just to make herself feel better she would do something that normally relaxed her. So she sat down and stitched. The tweet that she stitched were the words ‘I am a stable genius.’ Well she found herself doing it every day, sometimes several a day. She was posting those to instagram. Well then she started getting responses back. People were stitching their own things, his tweets, in their own creative ways, and posting them to her instagram account. So she thought ‘Okay, I’m going to start a project.’”
Charleson believes that the use of women’s fiber arts is particularly fitting for this protest.
“I think a lot of his policies are very anti woman, so I think it is important to use something that’s historically associated with women. It’s like our way, almost in a genteel way, of saying ‘No! We don’t agree with you or any of your ideas or your policies.’”
“I think protest, it is a very democratic thing. We are protected by the constitution. So I wanted to use this women’s art, but at the same time welcome men, welcome everyone to join in.”
Pieces from The Tiny Pricks Project are displayed in galleries around the country. Utah State University will host a gallery in the fall.