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Vaccination Distribution Continues To Increase

Discover Society


Gov. Spencer Cox announced the number of vaccines administered in Utah is continuing to rise, while COVID-19 cases are dropping.

“In fact, every one of these vaccines so far has been 100% effective in against hospitalization and death," Cox said. "And those are the two things we’re most worried about.”


Cox gave updates about vaccine efforts in the state of Utah on Thursday, as well as who the next round of vaccinations will be focused on. 

35% of all seniors age 70 and older in the state have been vaccinated, and starting on March 1st vaccinations will be available to all Utahns age 65 and older. Cox asked those who fit into this category to not reach out to local health departments until March 1st. 


Overall, the state administered 362,701 first and second doses in total, which is a weekly increase of 95,674 doses. 


On Tuesday, the federal government announced they will be increasing vaccines to the state of Utah by 5%. This comes after the additional 16% increase the state had last week. 


Cox said he is hopeful for the months of March and April, as vaccine doses received by the state will continue to increase due to the state receiving more doses and the anticipated Johnson and Johnson vaccine. 


“There’s going to be a little bit of chaos in making all of this happen," he said. "And we are going to embrace that chaos, we’re going to solve that chaos, and we are going to get shots in arms within seven days of receiving that vaccine and we are going to continue to save lives.”


Utah’s rolling seven day average for COVID-19 cases is 1,264. This is a decrease from last week’s