The chief deputy of the Utah County Clerk’s Office, Taylor Williams, was accused of a conflict of interest concerning a proposition on Tuesday’s ballot. The accusation, made by Utah County Attorney David Leavitt, claims Williams is involved with a group opposing Orem City Proposition 2, which will determine whether Orem will form their own school district separate from the Alpine School District.
Williams’ role in the opposition isn’t known, but Leavitt claims he’s receiving payment from a political campaign. The Utah County Clerk/Auditor Josh Daniels and his office are working with Williams to keep him away from some of his election administration duties.
Leavitt feels they shouldn’t allow the chief deputy any supervision of the clerk’s office election duties or allow him access to the ballot center of election computer systems. He also suggested they recount the ballots for Proposition 2 after Williams is removed from supervising election processes and personnel.