Gov. Cox: So it's been a busy day for us. We've been traveling all over the valley talking to people working on issues. We've been to a couple of high schools talking about voting and the importance of voting. We've been to the Salt Lake County Clerk's Office to see the votes being processed, talking to voters who are out and about. It's been a really good day, but a really busy day for us.
Clayre Scott: And how are you expecting tonight to go as we keep getting votes in?
Gov. Cox: Yeah, we don't expect any hiccups tonight. So far, everything's been pretty smooth. We think it will be just like past years: we'll probably get multiple reports from most counties, until about 10, 10:30. And then the final reports will come in, everybody will go to bed, and they'll start counting ballots again tomorrow.
Clayre Scott: So what were you hoping for for the night? What are your biggest hopes? What are your biggest worries?
Gov. Cox: Yeah, well, certainly, as a Republican, I'm hoping that we have a good night, not just here in Utah, where I feel pretty confident, but across the rest of the country as well. There's a lot of dysfunction in Washington DC. I think divided government can actually be a good thing, and I'm hoping we get more divided government. I hope we get Republicans in the House and in the Senate. As a former lieutenant governor who ran elections, I'm always worried about elections, making sure that everything is done correctly, and that we're able to get those results out quickly today, and then over the next few days. So those are the things I always worry about.
Clayre Scott: And are you keeping an eye on everything going on? Are you just kind of like tonight about you know, Utah?
Gov. Cox: Yeah, always keeping an eye on. We have an amazing lieutenant governor, and of course she's overseeing elections. So she and I have been talking throughout the day, getting reports about what's happening out there. Again, feeling really good about the work of our county clerks, all the poll workers, all the volunteers out there who have been working so hard to pull these elections off. We just should never take these elections for granted. So that's what it's about tonight. Um, hopefully at some point, I'll get to get home and sit down and see what's happening everywhere else in the country. I have no idea what's happening everywhere else right now, but I think it's gonna be a good night here in Utah. You're very welcome.