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What is Burning Man?

By Dennis Hinkamp

You can’t get there from here, you had to be there, you just don’t understand, or as my favorite former Saturday Night Live character Stephon says “It has everything…

Daring and audacious, weird and whimsical for higher purposes and no reason at all, sacred and insane profane, sexy solitary and sudden. It’s all that. It has everything

On the other hand There is no real good reason to be here. It’s too hot and dusty for almost everything. If you want to look on a map, the closest towns are Gerlach and Empire.

The nearby Black Rock Desert is BLM land that is the temporary home of Burning Man

Burning Man is the perfect dust to dust metaphor. For most of the year there this nothing. For about 10 days there is everything. Oh yeah I already said that. All that everything takes about a month to build and at least a month to turn everything back to nothing

Four years ago some people the southern hemisphere decided it would be a great idea to build a 60 foot traffic cone. This year it became a very orange reality. Others build life like dragons and drive them around. There have been a couple life size whales. There is a giant octopus that shoots fire out of its eight arms. The art ranges from the audaciously large to the sublimely small. There is a 7 inch replica of Stonehenge made of twinkies built by a mysterious guy from Logan, Utah.

Oh yeah there’s The stick figure of a man that is the event’s name sake. There also is a large Temple where people place their memories and wishes. It burns on the final day.

Stop asking why and embrace the wHY Not?