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UnDisciplined: how "thinking like a predator" helped a USU ecologist study bumble bee mimicry

Joseph Wilson

At a quick glance, you'd likely have a very hard time distinguishing Bombus vagan, the half black Bumblebee from Laphria flavicollis, a species of Robber fly that is also yellow up top in black in the back. And that's the idea behind mimicry, an evolutionary survival tactic in which multiple species share a similar appearance in order to signal to predators that they should be left alone. But who is mimicking who and do predators actually know – or do they care?

Joseph Wilson is an ecologist at Utah State University who is interested in the drivers of evolutionary diversification in insects.

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Matthew LaPlante has reported on ritual infanticide in Northern Africa, insurgent warfare in the Middle East, the legacy of genocide in Southeast Asia, and gang violence in Central America. But a few years back, something occurred to him: Maybe the news doesn't have to be so brutally depressing all the time. These days, he balances his continuing work on more heartbreaking subjects with his work on UnDisciplined — Utah Public Radio's weekly program on science and discovery.