Cache, Box Elder, Morgan, Weber, Davis, and Rich Counties are switching from the CodeRed emergency alert system to Everbridge, this week, due to added features and new technologies offered by the latter.
The American Red Cross came to Cache Valley to train volunteers in case of a disaster situation.
September is National Preparedness Month. Now is a great time to evaluate your preparedness supplies and plans.
Michael Pate, USU Extension associate professor and project co-leader for the My Preparedness Initiative, explains what the initiative is and why it's important.
Geologists in Utah are looking for ways to improve the state’s preparedness for an inevitably large earthquake. One proposed way could send you an alert straight to your phone.
Preventative measures are typically best when it comes to maintaining your health, but often our abilities to stay healthy can be affected by medical…
Wildfire season is in full force, and safety experts are encouraging people to keep their pets in mind in the event of evacuation. Faith Berry, associate…