Celebrating when you reach a specific goal is very memorable. Your children will remember positive money experiences like this for years to come.
A SSS is a personalized estimate of how much you will receive from Social Security if you retire or become disabled.
If your wallet is ever stolen or misplaced, would you be able to produce a list of its contents from memory?
Have you ever heard yourself say, “I’m just not good at budgeting,” or “I’m not a saver”?
A money date with your significant other is an opportunity to complement each other on something each of you do well with moneymanagement.
Paying off a debt obligation can feel like a pay raise!
One of the best gifts you can give to those you care about is to share a resource you love that helps you manage your money more efficiently.
What does financial health look like at each age? Timing will vary from person to person, but below are suggested financial milestones to achieve at each decade of life. This is not an all-inclusive list, but provides a foundation of things to consider.
Finances can look a little different in step families and as an important topic to discuss. In this segment we're joined by Abril Bell, step Family Education Coordinator with healthy relationships Utah at Utah State University.