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0000017c-7f7e-d4f8-a77d-fffffe370000Utah Public Radio is dedicated to bring you in-depth political stories during this election year so you can cast an informed vote. Here is a compilation of our local news coverage for you to refer back to, to study and to share with others.

What Are The Chances Of A President McMullin?

“Donald Trump, in truth, is not aligned with them and nor is Hillary Clinton. So, if we get that far, I believe that I am going to be able to make a case to them that will be compelling. I believe that I and Mindy, we can emerge victorious as a better option than Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, with potentially even bipartisan support. The Democrats will realize they won’t be able to elect Hillary Clinton. They’d much rather have me than Donald Trump, I guarantee it.”

That’s independent presidential candidate Evan McMullin speaking at a town hall event in Logan this past week, sharing his plan to win the election by forcing a vote in the House of Representatives. To do so, the former CIA agent would need to win enough Electoral College votes to keep either Republican Donald Trump or Democrat Hillary Clinton from reaching the constitutionally required 270 Electoral College votes. Then the House would vote and decide the election.

McMullin’s best hope for such an outcome is by first winning Utah’s six Electoral College votes. The latest poll has the independent candidate four percent behind both major party nominees, who are tied. Given the Beehive State’s cold reaction to Trump, McMullin closing that gap by November is not completely out of the question.

The second part of McMullin’s plan, however, may be out of his hands. An updated election map from has Clinton confidently winning at least 256 Electoral College votes. If even a handful of the states that are considered toss-ups go for Clinton, then she will win the election, rendering McMullin’s potential six Electoral College votes moot. According to the Washington Post’s latest election map, Clinton has enough solidly Democratic and leaning Democratic states alone to clear the 270 marker, but only barely. A final Electoral College map from Princeton University’s Election Consortium shows Clinton with 250 safe Electoral College votes and Trump trailing with 163.

McMullin was born in Provo, Utah, in 1976.