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Prismview is moving its Logan plant to Mexico, laying off 88 workers

The Herald Journal

Prismview, the LED sign company that at one time employed 450 workers in Logan, is moving its local manufacturing facility to Mexico.

News of the departure came through an announcement this week from the Salt Lake City office of the Utah Department of Workforce Services, which is making special Trade Act benefits available to 88 workers losing their jobs because of the move.


The Trade Act of 2015 set aside federal funds to help individuals refocus their careers after becoming unemployed as a result of foreign trade policy decisions or companies outsourcing jobs overseas. The benefits cover a wide range of expenses for such things as college or technical school tuition, career counseling and professional licensing. Applicants can also receive income support while undergoing retraining. Read the rest of the story on


This story is made possible thanks to a community reporting partnership between The Herald Journal and Utah Public Radio.