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Gov. Cox’s million masks meant for schools reportedly languishing in a storage warehouse

Last August, Utah Gov. Spencer Cox announced on Twitter that he promised one million “higher quality” masks for schools to use to protect students and staff from COVID-19. However, many school districts are in dire need of masks, and they aren’t getting them.Washington School District spokesperson Steve Dunham says the masks are “not exactly flying off the shelves.” In fact, they are all sitting in boxes in a warehouse.


Chris Philips with Concerned Citizens, a group that’s suing the state of Utah over the ban on mask mandates, wonders what the point of ordering all of those masks were if no one is wearing them. Philips says he believes Cox’s idea for mask shipments was well-intentioned, but he suspects the governor was just trying to please both sides of the mask debate rather than actually use the masks. He calls this “political football” and says “we just end up playing games around a really awful disease.”

Tyler Hewitt is the web/social media assistant at UPR. He writes stories every day, updates the website and manages the station's Twitter and Facebook pages. Tyler is a senior at Utah State University and is studying public relations, marketing, and psychology. He loves to write, listen to music, play video games, play tennis and hang out with his fiancé and cat, Juno. He is a great plant dad and recently started collecting vinyl records!