This is your daily news rundown for Tuesday, Jan. 14. In this edition:
- A body was found in a Washington County hiking area
- Washington County approved a zone change allowing housing and a resort development near Zion National Park
- Logan is beginning the process of updating its 20-year general plan
Body found in Washington County hiking area
The Utah Office of the Medical Examiner is investigating the cause of death after human remains were discovered over the weekend in Washington County. The Washington Police Department identified and confirmed the remains to be those of a male.
A hiker reported what appeared to be human remains on Sunday near the Bone Wash Trail and Elephant Arch hiking area in Washington.
Detectives say foul play does not appear to be a factor.
While the man's identity has not been released, it has been confirmed, and his family has been notified.
Zone change allows development on 1,900 acres near Zion National Park
The St. George News is reporting the Washington County Commission has approved a zone change that will allow a private company to expanded development near Zion National Park.
The Trees Ranch Project Plan outlines four phases of a project to develop 1,900 acres west of Springdale. As many as 25 homes are planned along with a hotel, tent campsites, horse center, spa, and swimming pool.
The project will start with the development of 280 acres.
Logan to hold workshop kicking off update to 20-year general plan
Details about efforts by Logan City to update a general plan for the next twenty years will be shared Wednesday evening at 5:30 during a public event.
Logan City’s Community Development Director Mike DeSimone told the Herald Journal the general plan acts as a blueprint to direct the city’s future decisions related to land use, transportation, and moderate-income housing. Creating a general plan could take as long as 18 months.
Logan City is working with a consulting firm to create a plan that will identify issues and problems. Further steps include receiving public input, forming goals, gathering data and using that research to format the plan.
Wednesday’s event is one of a series of workshops the city and consulting group will hold. Other meetings will be with community stakeholders involved in business, city government, transportation, education and housing.
Logan residents and other invested parties can also give input online by taking the city’s online survey, or mapping issues and opportunities with the city’s interactive map tool.
The Logan City General Plan community kick-off event will take place 5:30 p.m. Wednesday at City Hall, 290 N 100 W.
Learn more about the general plan, online survey and interactive map.