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Can Tier Three Gas Be The Solution To Utah's Poor Air Qualiry?
Only three of the five Utah's refineries make teir 3 gasoline.

According to the American Lung Associations State of the Air 2019 report, Utah ranked number seven in the worst air quality in the United States.  One solution legislators are considering to improve Utah’s air quality is tier three gasoline.

“Now tier three gasoline, all that is is a lower sulfur gasoline, which is a game changer for air quality. tier three gas can reduce your pollution coming out of any vehicle by significant margins,”said Representative Suzanne Harrison 

Representative Suzanne Harrison has been working on projects to improve the air quality here in Utah. She has been heavily involved in pushing the tier 3 gas initiative and has been working towards educating people about how this can improve the states air quality.

“Vehicles made in or after 2017 it can reduce your tailpipe pollution by up to 80% for that kind of pollution that causes our inversions," said Harrison. "People choosing the biosphere three gas and and making that extra step of you know, driving to a gas station that offers tier three gas can be a huge thing that people can do to clean up the air.”

According to Harrison, there are pilot programs such as free transit fare on orange days to help avoid those red air days.

Harrison said, “if you're not already driving an electric vehicle or using transit regularly or walking or biking, if that's not an option for you, doing your part to clean up the air can be as simple as where you choose to fill up your tank.”

A list of gas stations that offer tier three gas can be found online at