Spring has sprung in Utah and you may be thinking about the most efficient ways to irrigate your landscape to support plant health and function while continuing to use water efficiently. Fortunately, there are several resources available to help.
First, I will always encourage you to reach out to your local USU County Extension Office for support. Every county in the state has such an office and our USU County Extension faculty have a wealth of knowledge about appropriate irrigation of landscapes as well as other plant health and management practices.
Second, have a look at the Utah Division of Water Resources weekly lawn watering guide the division post this guide weekly at conservwater.utah.gov this year. They've also added a low water landscape irrigation guide that is appropriate for low water use plants and low water use turfgrasses.
A third resource is your local water utility or Water Conservancy District many of these water agencies have conservation programs and demonstration gardens that can help you save water and also provide design inspiration. You should also check out Utah watersavers.com to learn about local water conservation incentives or rebate programs in your area.
More information on this and other topics is online at extension.usu.edu