Lee Udall Bennion, an artist from Spring City, Utah, details her love for her town and the restoration of the Spring City Old School building.
David Hinton shares his personal connection to the history of Hurricane, Utah, and highlights the value of knowing the people and their stories.
At this month’s Science on Tap talk at the Cache bar in Logan, Great Salt Lake expert Jaimi Butler explained how brine shrimp inspired her career and the surprising sexualization of these crustaceans.
The kinds of dumplings we’ll focus on today are found in nearly every culture.Known by many monikers, fish cakes, including the crab cakes familiar to most of our listeners, are another clever way to stretch expensive ingredients and make more with less.
StoryCorps participant Mark Baldwin spins his tale of an earlier generation of boys growing up and playing softball in Wellsville, Utah.
The annual Utah History Conference held Wednesday in Salt Lake City was themed Local Matters: Interweaving Historical Threads of Community. The conference…