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Salt Lake Community College Reduces Water Use by 31%

Salt Lake Community College is one of many organizations in the state working to conserve water due to the drought and has managed to reduce their water use by 31% so far.

According to, the grounds manager, Joel Evans, is responsible for over 60 acres of landscaping with over 950 different irrigation zones. 


Evans said that last summer was hot enough for the college to make preparations for cutting back on water use which helped them to prepare for this summer.


One thing SLCC did to conserve water was to replace a large grassy courtyard area with a more drought-tolerant zone with shade trees and rock gardens.


Evans also reduced watering times by at least 20% for all zones and he suggests this is something that all homeowners could try to do as well. 

Other measures include raising blade height on lawn mowers, watering only twice a week, and shutting the sprinklers off if there is any rain.