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Mayor: After Emergency Request, Hyde Park Residents Cut Lawn Watering Enough To Refill Tanks

Enough Hyde Park residents heeded last week's emergency request to reduce lawn watering that the city's tanks have had a chance to refill, according to the mayor, but vigilance is still needed in this extreme drought year.

Last week, Mayor Charles Wheeler sent out an email and text stating that if residents kept using culinary water at the rate they were, the city's tanks could be depleted by the weekend. Thanks to the efforts of the city and many residents, Wheeler said in an interview this Thursday, that Hyde Park stopped using more water than its spring in Birch Creek could supply in a 24-hour period, allowing its series of three water tanks to refill overnight like they need to.


Because some residents don't have text messaging numbers or emails listed with the city, or list an email they may not check regularly, Wheeler said not everyone got his emergency request to halve lawn-watering. Read the rest of the story on


This story is made possible thanks to a community reporting partnership between The Herald Journal and Utah Public Radio.