Our hosts discuss the major Trump victory on Tuesday, national election results, and the election results out of Utah.
Our hosts discuss presidential politics, reproductive rights, and election integrity.
Our hosts discuss MN Gov. Tim Walz, tweeting, election denialism, and the economy.
Tribune reporters Emily Anderson Stern and Courtney Tanner, along with news columnist Robert Gehrke join host UPR’s Tom Williams to talk about the week’s top stories, including abortion remaining available in Utah — for now — after a state Supreme Court ruling.
Sen. Dan McCay said this will be a short-term solution while courts decide the fate of the state’s trigger ban.
The Utah Supreme Court ruled Thursday morning to uphold an injunction blocking a 2020 trigger law which would ban nearly all abortions across the state. Abortions are currently legal in Utah up to 18 weeks of most pregnancies under a 2019 law.
The Utah Legislature is also considering bills on public-private childcare partnerships, Major League Baseball and keeping state legislators' calendars private.
In other news, a new domestic violence assessment tool has inadvertently shared sensitive information about at least one victim.
An Idaho law banning interstate travel for abortion care to people under age 18 is facing legal challenges.
In other news, the Utah Attorney General opposes a proposed federal rule that would protect out-of-state abortion info from authorities.