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Eating the Past-Medieval cooking

Fried meat rissoles
webandi, Photographer

Rissoles aux orties et laitage (Nettle pies)

250 g. ricotta or fromage blanc
250 g. nettle shoots (or spinach or chard)
Salt and pepper
2 teaspoons pine nuts
Almond powder (thickener) – could substitute cornstarch
Shortcrust pastry or puff pastry

Chop the greens into big chunks. Mix cheese, greens, salt, pepper, nutmeg, and pine nuts together.
Thicken if needed with cornstarch. The filling should hold together a bit. Prepare pastry, put filling
at intervals and cut/close to make little handpies. Bake for 20 minutes in a hot oven. Serve with a
side salad.

Rissoles aux pruneaux farcis (Prune-stuffed turnovers)

20 prunes (pits removed)
2 tablespoons of cream
1 teaspoon of honey
1 tablespoon of almond powder (or cornstarch)
Shortcrust pastry or puff pastry

Mix all ingredients together except prunes and pastry, then split the prunes open and stuff with the
mixture. Wrap each prune in a piece of pastry and bake.

Tammy Proctor is a specialist in European history, gender, war, and youth. Dr. Proctor has written about Scouting, women spies and the way war affects the lives of ordinary people. Currently she is writing a book on American food relief to Europe during and after World War I. She has worked at Utah State University since 2013 and is a native of Kansas City, Missouri.